The Draft Local Environment Plan (LEP) being considered by Council includes a heritage precinct over Shellharbour Village. While heritage protections have a valuable place in our community, this proposal is way off beam. The aim of the listing of the village is to protect the atmosphere of the area. Sadly, council is about 20 years too late. The horse has well and truly bolted. It seems no one at Lamerton House has noticed the new 3 story buildings up and down the street, dwarfing the single level, 19th century shops/cottages.
Blanket heritage provisions such as these should only be used where there are a significant number of heritage-worthy items in close proximity to each other. That is not the case here. Of course, perhaps the council thinks those new buildings so beaut they deserve heritage protection!
The Draft LEP should have the Shellharbour village precinct removed from it before it is sent off to the Minister. Council should identify those items with real heritage value and protect them.
It is also my belief that Council should lobby the Government to provide for rate reductions for private property with a heritage listing. These items cost the owner more to maintain than a non-heritage building. The community as a whole benefits from having heritage buildings protected. The community as a whole should make a small contribution to their upkeep.
All items on the State Heritage Register should have their rates paid by the State Government. Any item on the local heritage lists should be entitled to a rate rebate or a complete rate holiday. Both of the above scenarios would require legislative change to enable them to happen. If elected I would be working towards Council putting this proposal both directly to the State government and also to the Local Government and Shires Association.