David Boyle has indicated in the Mercury that, if elected, he would caucus with other ALP members on Council.
This should alarm all community members. I sent a letter to the Mercury in response but, sadly, it has not been published. It is reproduced below and is pretty self-explanatory.
Dear Sir.
David Boyle has indicated that, if elected in Shellharbour, he would caucus with other ALP councilors.
At the inquiry into Shellharbour Council, Commissioner Colley was quite scathing of the practice of caucusing. These are but 4 of the statements Commissioner Colley wrote in his report.
“…caucusing can give rise to a situation where individual members of a caucus do not vote in accordance with their own considered view as to what is in the best interest of residents and ratepayers.”
“The practice of caucusing also appears to give rise to a situation where Councillors are making their mind up on at least some decisions of Council prior to having had the benefit of hearing the views of their non-ALP councillors, prior to having heard the views expressed in public participation and prior to having benefited from hearing the answers to questions asked of council officers at the Council meeting.”
“As caucusing occurs in private, there can be no assurance that good governance practices in relation to dealing with conflicts of interests are being maintained.”
“In a 7 member council, with 4 ALP councilors, 2 councillors could effectively determine the decisions of that council.”
The very outcomes that so worried Commissioner Colley are the outcomes David Boyle and other ALP candidates are seeking. Perhaps Mr Boyle thinks he knows better than Commissioner Colley.
Peter Moran