Sunday, 25 September 2011

Off to a good start

I attended a meeting on Friday with five of the other six councillors. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss with each other our areas of interest in relation to Council’s committees and working parties. There are forty-five such appointments across thirty committees. These are to be divided up between the seven councillors so it makes sense to ensure that we are appointed to committees that interest and engage us. It also made sense not to have to do it at the Council meeting, thus ensuring the public did not have to sit through the discussions and life stories which informed our choices.

What was gratifying was that everyone worked in such a co-operative fashion. The three ALP councillors, two independents and one Liberal all bent over backwards to ensure that everyone had a fair crack at every position. The more high profile positions were shared about and I have the impression that everyone walked away from the meeting satisfied.

It was unfortunate that Clr Rankin was unable to attend. He will find it especially unfortunate when he realises he has been nominated for everything no one else wanted or was able to accept. Enjoy your twenty-seven committees Paul!

This was not caucusing in action. No decisions were taken. Nothing is firm. It was merely an indicative process that allows the business of the Council to be conducted in a timely fashion when we meet on Tuesday evening.